Saturn's Pisces Splashdown ~ 24 Feb 2023

Currently Saturn drops through the last remaining airspace of Aquarius in the best of form readying for his 7 March Olympic-worthy dive into Pisces. As this ingress occurs, also congregating in Pisces are the dwarf planet Gonggong, Mercury, the centaur Nessus conjunct the Sun to boot, Icarus and Neptune. For those wanting to know when Saturn slides into Pisces from the Sun’s point of view, that occurs on 28 April.

Simultaneous with Saturn’s splashdown in Pisces, next door, Aries directs his own batch of traffic including the asteroid Juno, dwarf planets Vesta and Eris, Venus, Jupiter with the centaur Chiron very conjunct his grandness.

Too much for one posting, the Aries sector will be addressed next SkyScraping. Still, musing about all this eastern hemispheric emphasis, it’s a wonder the transit chart does not tilt asunder.

Saturn splashes about in Pisces’ shallow end promising Neptune that he’ll take the deep dive once he gets done retrograding back to the first degree of the sign, and after he properly deals with the dwarf planet Gonggong. Meanwhile, it’s time for all earthlings to get comfortable in the water mimicking Saturn’s lead.

Pisces is Pisces. It flows. It moves hither and yon at on a whim. Even with Saturn in the sign, Pisces seems to own no chronometers. It can be slippery. It loves obfuscation. When one looks at their reflection in the water, both Pisces and Neptune stand by amused, pointing out that the refracted image might be more poignant to ponder than reflections. All that said, Pisces leads with compassion. If there was ever a time for compassion, this is probably that epoch.

In the realm of interpersonal relationships the Saturn in Pisces tenure seeks to understand that a person feels how they do, and a mature Saturn looks deeper into the why of the feeling as well as what stimuli induced the reaction in the first place. All this is very good, especially that given the bad blood centaur, Nessus, aligns with the Sun as Saturn dips into Pisces. Understanding how a person feels and having compassion for their position, whether one agrees with it or not can go a long way to sort out bruised psyches and interpersonal misunderstandings.

Mercury joining the Pisces pool party promotes the agenda of clear communication... both sides of it as is transmitting and receiving. Given Pisces wants to contextualize every feeling, communications might meander. Mercury does serve the information exchange by noting the importance of concise communication. Icarus, too, serves Piscean purposes. Pisces can get a tad on the grand side with imagination and speculation based upon that imagination. After all, the twin fish are still claimed by Jupiter when it comes to rulership. Icarus offers up an interrogative or two that may be relevant. “Wax wings, huh? Bet those melt near a heat source, wouldn’t you reckon?” Wisdom walks with those who instinctively sense the merit of rhetorical questions and also pause to ponder.

Saturn will not revert back to Aquarius this time around. Once he slides inside the Piscean Möbius Strip of life, he’s there until he comes out the other side. Also in for the long haul are Gonggong and Neptune. Truly, Neptune winds down his transit through home waters, but there’s still plenty of unlimited imagination to go around. Gonggong on the other hand, with an orbital period of more than 550 years, is there for a few more incarnations for most mortals. Gonggong, whose source story originates in China, is going to be big news over the next year as Saturn works his way to conjoin this evocative dwarf planet and its heliocentric node. Stay tuned... the writing is on the wall.

Back to Saturn though. Something often overlooked about this ringed wonder is that both his north node (heliocentrically) and perihelion occupy the sign of Cancer, as do so many other planetary orbital elements in our solar system. It seems Saturn’s sake is to nurture. Assuming that all Saturnine biases can be set aside and this premise accepted as true, what can one do with Saturn in Pisces to get the best out of things?

Value taking the time to appreciate all elements of culture: music, opera, theater, film, literature and poetry, as well as finger paint applied with the toes (this is indeed Pisces time).

Savor all reactions. Honor all your reactions and realize that no matter from whence they came all emotional sensitivities are valid.

Apply the same to others. While it’s not necessary to savor the feelings of others, at least recognizing that those feelings possess conscious merit is a start.

Walk a mile in any other person’s form of indigenous footwear. Empathy is a powerful resource for making the world a better place.

Permit the luxury of daydreaming, then fantasizing about the actualization of your best imagination. After a healthy romp in those pastures, get back to work.

Take time for proper cleansing and hygiene rituals. This is not to suggest wasting water. This is about using affirmation and imagination while in the process of tasks necessary for physical well-being and grooming.

Honor your nocturnal dreams. Take time to ponder where in tarnation that zany dream sourced in your psyche.

Try doodling, sketching, tinkering or tapping out a cadence with a pencil.

Listen to drumming. The beat goes on and serves as a carrier wave for consciousness, so say some cosmic percussionists.

Realize that every event and ever interaction ever experienced was critically essential for you to stand at the “You Are Here” blip on the road map of life.

Float in a pool of water just for fun. Saturn’s density is such that if introduced to a body of water larger enough it would float.

Remember, Saturn now transits a sign ruled by Jupiter. That’s always good for what ails you. And, Neptune, Pisces other co-ruler, shows Saturn’s the intricacies of the harbor of Pisces as he heads out to sea.

More soon.

Time for scheduling your next consultation? A series of consults to assist with creative, soul-stirring times? Sure it is. The links below will get you there.

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